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Spring Series 2011
Sail # Boat Skipper Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Makeup Race Points Best 5 Position w/TO's
    602 Bandit Paul Bowers DNC/9 0 7 DNC/9 0 6 4 35 26 7
3 1359 Shifty Martin Gallagher DNC/9 0 2 4 0 2 3 20 11 3
  1991 Vertigo Sam Norod DNC/9 0 DNC/9 3 0 4 6.25 31.25 22.25 6
  3499 Epic Moment Kevin Logue DNC/9 0 4 DNC/9 0 6 2 30 21 5
  4112 End of Discussion Glancy/Sullivan 2 0 5 5 0 5 DNC/9 26 17 4
1 4119 Little Martha Chris Clancy 1 0 1 1 0 3 DNC/9 15 6 1
  4304 Speculator Bob Tolken DNC/9 0 6 DNC/9 0 DNC/9 DNC/9 42 33 8
2 4465 Riggermarole John Glancy DNC/9 0 3 2 0 1 1 16 7 2
Summer Series 2011
Sail # Boat Skipper Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Fun Race Points Best 5 Position w/TO's
    602 Bandit Paul Bowers 2 RC 2 DNF/9 0     13 13 2
  1359 Shifty Martin Gallagher 1 4 1 3 0     9 9 1
  1991 Vertigo Sam Norod DNC/9 5 6 1 0     21 21 4
  3499 Epic Moment Kevin Logue DNC/9 2 4 DNF/9 0     24 24 5
  4112 End of Discussion Glancy/Sullivan DNC/9 DNF/9 3 DNF/9 0     30 30 7
  4119 Little Martha Chris Clancy DNC/9 3 5 DNF/9 0     26 26 6
  4304 Speculator Bob Tolken DNC/9 DNF/9 7 DNF/9 0     34 34 8
  4465 Riggermarole John Glancy DNC/9 1 DNC/9 2 0     21 21 3
Fall Series 2011
Sail # Boat Skipper Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Fun Race Points Best 5 Position w/TO's
    602 Bandit Paul Bowers                    
  1359 Shifty Martin Gallagher                    
  1991 Vertigo Sam Norod                    
  3499 Epic Moment Kevin Logue                    
  4112 End of Discussion Glancy/Sullivan                    
  4119 Little Martha Chris Clancy                    
  4304 Speculator Bob Tolken                    
  4465 Riggermarole John Glancy